Tamil Nadu is not called the land of temples for nothing.The state has more that 30,000 temples,not a surprise I know.After I finished my psychology a few months ago I was soooo totally lost about what I wanted to do in life,I seriously had no clue at all.Finally some time during April my mom saw this ad in the paper about an arts management course at Dakshinachitra, and I still remember her calling me up during college(some thing she never does)and said ..."shreya,I have found the IDEAL course for you"...and trust me it was!!I applied and got a scholarship and then decided to go ahead with it.In this first semester we study about temple architecture,art and design,2d art,3d art,western art,cultural studies.We have some amaziiing faculty.Each class has some thing soo new and soo different to offer.Its so wonderful to actually study about India and its culture and tradition and art and architecture right from 400 B.C.And some times it is sooo mind blowing that I really wonder....O my god..!!why is it that like only 1% of Indians know all this....Its really blows me away... but I am so happy that I have taken it up.Its like some body is paying me to actually FIND MYSELF... and ill tell you why...!!
Some people tell me...psychology and what I'm doing now has no connection and that "I'm still lost"....NO!!....Finding yourself is when you end up doing some thing that you don't want to stop doing..!!!One subject that I'm obsessed with right now is temple architecture and its all because of one person Dr.CHITRA MADHAVAN.She is just simply.....out of this world.We have been studying week after week about soo many temples in detail.Its history,its architecture,who bulit it, why, inscriptions, legends, sculptures, paintings....my god its just amazing.In other words I'm just trying to find meaning and a history and tradition in my life.Ive been going to temples for years.....but little did I know the meaning behind things,the history,the scuptures.When you find out where you come from,it makes a biiggg difference.It has some how I donnno how...created such a strong sense of self concept with in me.Its like I'm a different person.I would have never imagined me blogging about this but here I am.At last.....FINDING MYSELF!!!!....
O i should also mention that Dr.Muthukumar swamy is a genius!!He teaches us cultural studies....which is (to put it in my own words)nothing but the study of "the psychology behind cultures"...Belive me!! I wake up Tuesdays and Thursdays with a big smile on my face because its time for CULTURAL STUDIES.
Anyway ...Im getting carried away here.I am going to talk to you about 1 just 1 of the many many temples we have been studying about.I'm writing about this temple because I visited it just this Sunday with some of my classmates..!
Even today this temple is soo beautiful to look at.The architecture is so .....amazing!!I can't even image how it would have been in the 7th century.But we do know that when the Chalukya king Vikram Aditya II came and conquered Kanchipuram he came to this temple he was sooo astounded by its beauty, he gave what ever he had looted to the temple,and he not only did that..He also too
Enna da will post only once a month huh ?... between havn't kept ur blog private or wat.. i can hardly believe no one turns up here from the huge social circle u strive to maintain ..
Pallava history is all good .. but it sounds like u r lecturing.. cant u make it more interesting?.. the gory wars the secret loves ... make it alive and attractive to read..
that said good to see u posting something at all..:)
subbu!!!.....first or all dont be anonymous ok! 2ed of all let me try...TRY to clear up some thg....i dont strive to maintain...these days (and ull be glad to know) that i have no social life!!!...temples are my social life ;-)...!!!
and im sorry but i wanted to give you all accurate information as its necessary to know certain things about ur culture and history!!!...unfortunately because it was just 1400 yrs ago we did'nt bother to keep track and write it all down on temple walls or copper plate inscriptions!!....do bare with the pallava's stupidity...and if u want to read some thg more .....alive and attractive,ur in the wrong page..go search for masala blogs(ill have all the wars and the secret love stories u want :-))!!..
and my dear subbu!!....ur welcome not to read my blog :-)!!!
Are you sure you found your ’self’? So soon? Is it the end of this page?
For a person looking for ‘self’ to actually find ‘self’ is a momentous achievement in itself, But where one journey ends another begins for them, like some people must live with ‘self’, or evaluate ‘self’, n number of possibilities what is it for you? Now that you say you have found your ‘self’?
Btw.. rocking photos… and I am going to go see this place the min I get a day off… definitely with my cam… the place looks so gorgeous.
nice work. i've always been filled with a hollow curiosity everytime i visit an ancient temple. but do make it a little more interestingly detailed next time? other readers may not have the same wavelngth of comprehension as you. but believe me you'll have at least one reader :P would be good if you could talk me through such stuff (and be nice at the same time)
congratulations again on finding yourself. did you tell you where you were lost?
I hope you realise that you are being provocative in saying that you "found" yourself. I agree that while it's easy to get (and stay) lost, it's difficult to find yourself. So I suggest that you instead stay on a lifelong journey finding your self.
I have always found stories fascinating, so I throughly enjoyed the historical and factual details you provided. What I'd love for you to also explicitly state (since I am a bit dense) is not just the "what," but the "so what." I'd be happy to expand on this if you are interested.
OK, enough editorialising. Keep up the blogging...
@ duco ergo sum
@ G
FOUND MYSELF is like saying that i have found whateva it is that was looking for...thats all!!...now comes the hard part whr u have to learn how to conquer ur senses and control your mind......
being lost is one thing but finding some thing and having no control over it is ...another biigg problem ;-)
so gauti and anonymous...no this page is not over...i have no idea ..lets wait and see what comes along next... gauti mirror blog!
ill write even if no1 reads it :-) but now that i know u defy will ....ill write more :-D
completely agree with you!!
"So I suggest that you instead stay on a lifelong journey finding your self"
but just when u say u have to find yourself ..ur half there...cuz i thk just for one to get to that point itself is difficult...
but pls do elaborate on the "so what" part...i din get it at all :-(!!!....so happy to know that ur reading my blog :-D!!
Lot of FINDS in this post!
I can relate to that - a mechanical engineer who is into all that is not mechanical.
Lemme quote Chester Bennington now...
I'm tired of being what you want me to be... Feeling so faithless... Lost under the surface...
dont know what you're expecting of me... put under the pressure of walking in your shoes...
Best part is what u have mentioned about the temple and the history behind it. Interesting. Please post more of them so that people like me who bunked their history classes during schools can learn something now.
your words gets your excitement and anxiety on society across.. good read.. keep going :)
wooo hooo to my history classes!!!;-)
getting back little late coz i was not here...
i post anon coz i didnt want u noe my blog..as simple as that.. i did say it was me on the phone so technically it aint anon. I just suggested dear it is ur blog and ur wish to write the way u want,we all believe it is a free world(it isn't though) after all.
Btw u will be amazed at wat pieces of absurd information has survived through the years in history and how much of the history u talk so much about is the historian's imagination based on few scant clues.So keeping with the times nothing rong in coloring what u already know :P
wow ur talking sense mani!!!????
Is that a complement or being your usual sarcastic self ? Boy the dilemmas of life! how is a disconnected poor bloke like me supposed to survive at all
u can start by letting me read ur blog!!!
I never new you blogged ......
u din know i existed until last friday da!!
mayb.. between y are u so interested in my blog.nobody ever reads it anyway,not even i do..i will edit then give special permission to u read it if u really want to.. but after editing only :P
The lure of Pallava sculpture is too great. Nice post.
How much of the temples have you seen outside South India? The Mahalaxmi temple in Kolhapur in Maharashtra is a good place to visit. Not only a photographer's delight but there is also, a rather interesting mythical tale behind it.
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