Maya, according to philosophy, religion etc ...she is some one who exists to take you away from your path. the right path, the path which will lead to eternal happiness and service to the lord. and i am some one who undoubtedly believes in it(considering it is the meaning of my name). but as i sit on the computer typing this at some unearthly hour. i know that maya is soo much more than that.
for example: you feel pain, you get a shot of anesthesia. to numb the life, we, instead of dealing with the pain we just like to keep giving ourselves these anesthesia shot. ultimately , we neither live to understand what true happiness is, neither do we live to understand that its all maya.
I have been always confused as to what to do with my life. because i wanted to pick a field that will give me a sufficiently happy materialistic life, as well as a field that will help me progress in my spiritual path. but it took this stupid fool 23 years to realize that it works the other way around. i need to pick a field which i am happy with and offer whatever that comes out of it to the lord with utmost humility.
All i can do is fall at the lotus feet of lord Krishna, and hope and prey that he will one day, remove me from this vicious cycle.
O lord Krishna!
Please save me, please give me the courage and the intelligence to reach you.
What ever i do, let it be an offering to you. Please let me progress and understand you, and let me serve you and my guru( Jayapataka swami maharaj) in every way possible. Please remove all this hatred that has crept into my heart.
Your aspiring devote,